American Quarter Horse Wallach 6 Jahre 150 cm Rappe in FLEMINGSBURG, KY
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+9 Bilder

Fancy Paint, Ranch/Trail Horse, Family Safe!!! Go to www.Platinum

Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Inserats-ID: 3790327
Einstelldatum: 03.10.2023
Inseratsaufrufe: 153
Inserat gemerkt: 2
3 500 $
~ 3 286 €
r Beanstanden

Weitere Informationen

Das American Quarter Horse, auch Quarter Horse genannt, stammt ursprünglich aus den USA und ist die meist verbreitete Pferderasse der Welt. Es gibt weltweit ungefähr 4,6 Millionen registrierte Quarter Horses. Die Rasse entstand im 17. Jahrhundert, als reiche Plantagenbesitzer aus Virginia und Caroli ... Mehr zur Pferderasse American Quarter Horse
6 Jahre
150 cm
Versatility Ranch Horse


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Place your bids at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
$3500 Starting bid
Auction ends October 15th
Poncho is a 5 year old quarter horse gelding, he stands 14.3 hands tall and weighs around 1000 pounds. Don’t let his age scare you because he has the mind of a 15 year old horse. He is a total sweet heart and the absolute best baby sitter around town and any level rider can ride him with no problems. Poncho is 100% sound and has no vices. He will take you out on the trails and go for hours on end without the hesitation of giving up on you. He is a total sweetheart and will do anything you ask. He has walked over all types of logs and walk through any body of water without having to ask him twice. You can take him out trail riding by yourself or you can take him as a group with no trouble. He is not barn or buddy sour at all. He has a smooth walk trot and cantar and he moves off of leg cues. Poncho has been living on an Amish farm for most of his life being used in the fields and carrying the babies around. He will neck rein and one step lope. He has been around cattle before and I am sure if you are wanting to ranch work on him he would be the guy for it, he is ready to learn new things always. Poncho loves bath time and getting squeaky clean and will stand for the farrier no problem. He is seriously a dream horse that you need in your life. For more information on Poncho call or text Danny Dailey 606-748-8637. Located in Flemingsburg, KY.
Place your bids at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
$3500 Starting bid
Auction ends October 15th

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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299

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Louisville 40299